Miserin Refuge

In the great spaces of the mountain, in its high silences, the undistracted man can grasp the sense of his smallness and the infinite dimension of his soul.
In the heart of the Mont Avic Park


Miserin Refuge

Formerly a hospice for pilgrims at the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Nevi, Miserin hut is located at 2,582 m on the shore of Lake Miserin in Champorcher (Valle d'Aosta), in an exceptional position within the Mont Avic Regional Park, on the border with the Gran Paradiso National Park, on the route of the Alta Via n° 2. A place of energy: the charm of the lake, the setting of the mountains, the local cuisine, the warmth of simplicity.

An holiday with different rhythms

Summer tour of the Mont Avic refuges

We propose 2 4-days itineraries to discover the Mont Avic Regional Park. The itineraries are different in difficulty and include overnight stays in the three refuges in the Park: Miserin, Dondena and Barbustel refuge.
Discover the Tour...
In the name of the short supply chain

Our Kitchen

We cannot reveal our secrets, but we can awake your curiosity... In our refuges you will be able to taste the best of Aosta Valley's (and not only) food and wine tradition!
The voice of refuges

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🇮🇹 Siamo stati fortunati e la vallata di Champorcher non ha subito danni significativi in seguito all'alluvione di sabato 29 giugno che ha invece fortemente danneggiato la vallata di Cogne. Attualmente i sentieri del Parco del Mont Avic sono percorribili, nei tratti più in quota è ancora presente della neve che dovrebbe sciogliere a breve. […]
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